The Right of Publicity

“Squaring the Right of Publicity with the First Amendment”
Paul M. Smith, Partner, Jenner & Block
Wednesday, January 28, 4:00 p.m.
Syracuse University College of Law

Dineen Hall, Sonkin Seminar Room 342

Mr. Smith has had an active Supreme Court practice for three decades, including oral arguments in 15 cases involving matters ranging from free speech and civil rights to civil procedure.  Among his important victories have been Lawrence v. Texas, the landmark gay rights case, and Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Ass’n, establishing the First Amendment rights of those who produce and sell video games.  Mr. Smith is Chair of the Appellate and Supreme Court Practice and Co-Chair of the Media and First Amendment, and Election Law and Redistricting Practices at Jenner & Block.

Mr. Smith’s lecture is sponsored by the interdisciplinary Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics and the Media; the Tully Center for Free Speech; and the Kissel Fund for Civil Liberties.

For a poster of the Smith lecture, click HERE.